Attached is our weekly Newsletter from Hottie!! Check out all the happenings at the Nest this week!!

Our band performed in the annual Music Performance Adjudication hosted by the NC Bandmasters Association at Martin County High School on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. They performed 3 concert selections on stage and participated in sight-reading where they performed a piece of music they had never seen before. The band received a Superior Rating (the highest rating possible) from all 4 judges. Congratulations!

Firebird Families,
Remember, today is an Early Release Day!
Dismissal is at 12:30 PM.
Please know where your child is after dismissal and how they get home!
Thank you!

Check out Hottie's News from the Nest March 17-22

Congratulations to Sofia Guerra, Leyla Patterson, Merlina Santiago Hernandez, and Jasmine Horrigan for having their artwork on display at the Mims Gallery, in the Dunn Center, on the campus of NC Wesleyan College. Their work will be on display until May 9.

Congratulations to Merlina Santiago Hernandez for having her artwork chosen for this year's NCPS Superintendent's Gallery!

Here are all the latest Happenings at the Nest from Hottie:
Have a great week and Love Southern, Live All In!!

Firebird Families,
Per our safety guidelines, we are expecting to delay dismissal in 5 minute intervals. We expect to dismiss as close to regular time as possible.
Please know this is for the safety of all students and staff!

Firebird Families,
The Curriculum Night for this year has been cancelled. The FAFSA completion for seniors will try to be rescheduled. If you continue to have registration questions, please reference the email shared from Mrs. Amanda Thompson to each student's email account.
Thank you!

Good afternoon,
SNHS had a fire alarm evacuation at the start of 4th lunch today. Thank you to the students and staff for cooperating to exit the building safely. Bailey Fire Dept. cleared the school, and we returned back to class as normal. 4th lunch students did have an opportunity to eat as well.

SNHS Alumni (Class of 12) and NCC Machine Instructor, Jason Brannan- shared the opportunities available through Nash Community's trade programs!

Check out this week's happenings around Firebird Country with Hottie!!

Winter awards

Hello Firebird Families,
Check out our weekly message including FAFSA and Curriculum Night next week and much more!

Join us Wednesday Night for the rescheduled curriculum fair event! Come out and see what our school has to offer as students select their courses for next school year! Southern Nash Middle 8th graders and all SNHS students are encouraged to attend!

Join us Wednesday Night for the rescheduled FAFSA event!

Wear Pink tomorrow for Anti-Bully Day!!!

Let's try that again with the link this time.
Check out all the happenings at Southern Nash High from your favorite Firebird, Hottie!!
Please pay attention to the schedule change for this week.

Schedule for this week!
HR Monday (after 1st period)
4FF Tuesday
2FF Thursday
1 FF Friday

Due to inclement weather, all traditional Nash County Public Schools will be closed for students on Friday, February 21, 2025. Staff should follow telework procedures.
All Innovative Schools, CITI High School and Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School, will operate on a remote learning schedule.
Additionally, all evening activities, including after-school care and athletics, have been canceled.
We appreciate your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our students, staff, and community. Please stay safe during this time.
For real-time information, please click the following link: https://www.ncpschools.net/page/emergency-landing-page