SIP Goal for 2022-23 

Increase the initial credits:  

70% of Southern Nash High students will  earn 100% of their initial credits through  differentiated strategies and tiered  instruction by June 2023.  

(A1.06, A2.04, A4.01, B3.03) 

MTSS Goals for 2022-23 

By June 2023, the MTSS leadership team will obtain  training and become fluent in data-based problem  solving which will, in turn, be shared with 100% of  teachers during planning period meetings. 

By June 2023, 80% of teachers will implement  research based, supplemental interventions, within  the classroom, to increase student proficiency of  grade-level essential standards.

Professional Development Goal for 2022-23 

Southern Nash High School will utilize  in-house staff as well as district support staff  to provide professional development  associated with data-based problem solving,  intervention strategies, and cultural shifts in  PLCs.

High Priority Indicators 

A1.06 - ALL teachers provide sound instruction in a variety of modes:  teacher-directed whole-class; teacher-directed small-group;  independent work; computer-based.  

A3.01 - Instructional Teams use student learning data to identify  students in need of instructional support or enhancement. *A4.01 - The school implements a tiered instructional system that  allows teachers to deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the  individual needs of students across all tiers. 

*B3.03 - The principal monitors curriculum and classroom instruction  regularly and provides timely, clear, constructive feedback to teachers. C1.06 - The LEA/School offers an induction program to support new  teachers in their first years of teaching.

School Goals - District Alignment Southern Nash High Goals District Priority Goal Alignment 

70% of Southern Nash High students  will earn 100% of their initial credits  through differentiated strategies and  

tiered instruction by June 2023.  (A1.06, *A2.04, A3.01, A4.01, B3.03) 

By June 2023, the MTSS leadership  team will obtain training and become  fluent in data-based problem solving  

which will, in turn, be shared with 100%  of teachers during planning period  meetings. 

Priority #1 Increase Grade Level Proficiency Across All  Grades/Subjects 

Priority #2 Increase the Number of Schools That Exceed  Growth 

Priority #3 Ensure Equitable Outcomes for All Subgroups 

Priority #1 Increase Grade Level Proficiency Across All  Grades/Subjects 

Priority #2 Increase the Number of Schools That Exceed  Growth 

Priority #3 Ensure Equitable Outcomes for All Subgroups

School Goals - District Alignment Southern Nash High Goals District Priority Goal Alignment 

By June 2023, 80% of teachers will implement  research based, supplemental interventions, within  the classroom, to increase student proficiency of  grade-level essential standards. 

Southern Nash High School will utilize in-house  staff as well as district support staff to provide  professional development associated with  data-based problem solving, intervention  strategies, and cultural shifts in PLCs. 

Priority #3 Ensure Equitable Outcomes  for All Subgroups 

Priority #1 Increase Grade Level  Proficiency Across All Grades/Subjects 

Priority #2 Increase the Number of  Schools That Exceed Growth 

Priority #3 Ensure Equitable Outcomes  for All Subgroups

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